
This header file provides necessary functionalities for network simulation. All SENSE components must include this header file.

#ifndef SENSE_H
#define SENSE_H

#include "config.h"
const double speed_of_light=299792458.0;

#include <string>
using std::string;

SENSE is built on top of COST, and makes use of CorsaAllocator defined in corsa_alloc.h.

#include "cost.h"
#include "corsa_alloc.h"

Packet Management in SENSE

There are two main design goals on the packet management in SENSE: to allow components to pass packets in two forms, either as a packet structure or as a pointer to a packet structure, and to share a packet among all receiving components if the packet is passed by a pointer.

The first goal is achieved by using a modern C++ technique, referred to as traits. According to Bjarne Stroustrup, a trait is "a small object whose main purpose is to carry information used by another object or algorithm to determine policy or implementation details." In SENSE, a special trait class is declared which can be used to tell if a certain template parameter is a packet structure or a packet pointer.

The second goal of sharing a packet through the pointer is done by the use of a popular programming technique, reference counting. When a component is about to own a packet, it must increase the reference count of the packet to indicate the newly created ownership. When a component is about to release a packet, it needs to decrease the reference count. Only when the reference count goes to zero will the packet be actually deleted.


This class defines the addresses used in Ethernet. It is in fact a wrapper class over int. The compare struct is an function object that can be used by STL containers.

class ether_addr_t
    enum { LENGTH = 6, BROADCAST = -1 };

    ether_addr_t () : addr (0) {} ;
    ether_addr_t (int a) : addr (a) {};

    bool operator == (const ether_addr_t& another) const { return addr==another.addr; }
    bool operator == (const int& another) const { return addr==another; }
    bool operator < (const ether_addr_t& another) const { return addr<another.addr; }
    bool operator > (const ether_addr_t& another) const { return addr>another.addr; }

    operator const int& () const { return addr; };
    friend struct compare 
	    bool operator() ( const ether_addr_t & e1, const ether_addr_t & e2)
	        return e1.addr > e2.addr;
    int addr;

This is the packet trait class that takes one template parameter, T. It serves dual purposes. First, if T is a pointer, then nonpointer_t gives the corresponding structure. Second, it defines three member functions, which are to be called when respective operations need to be performed.

In the general declaration, nonpointer_t is just T, and in all three member function no action is taken. This is for packets passed as plain structures.

template <class T>
class packet_trait
    typedef T nonpointer_t;
    static void free(const T&) { }
    static void free(T&t) { t.~T(); }
    static void init(T&t) { new (&t) T; }
    static void init(const T&) { }
    static void inc_ref(const T&) { }
    static void dump(std::string& str, const T&p) { p.dump(str) ;}  
    static void check_ref(const T&, int) { }

A smart packet is designed for layered network architecture. It has two important fields, hdr for the header and pld for the payload (which is usually the encapsulated higher layer packet). There are two ways to access the header or payload, working for two different cases.

Let us use a simple example to illustrate the usage of this class in two cases. Suppose we have a declaration P p (most likely this is an argument). If we know for sure that p is a pointer, then we can simply use p->hdr to access the header, p->pld to access the payload.

However, if we don't know whether p is a pointer or a structure (which happens when P is a template parameter), we cannot access the field directly, and we have to use the function access_hdr or access_pld. We cannot do P::access_hdr(p), because P may be a pointer. However, we can always rely on packet_trait to strip of the pointer, so we have packet_trait<P>::nonpointer_t::access_hdr(p). This expression looks ugly, but if we can define beforehand the nonpointer type as, say, P_T, by doing 'typedef packet_trait<P>::nonpointer_t P_T;', then the original expression can be simplified as P_T::access_hdr(p). Not too bad, right?

template <class H, class P>
class smart_packet_t
    inline static smart_packet_t<H,P> * alloc();
    inline void free();
    inline void destroy();
    inline void inc_ref();
    inline smart_packet_t<H,P> * copy();
    inline void inc_pld_ref() const;

    inline bool check_ref(int r) { return r<=refcount; }

    static P& access_pld(smart_packet_t<H,P>* p) { return p->pld; }
    static P& access_pld(smart_packet_t<H,P>& p) { return p.pld; }

    static H& access_hdr(smart_packet_t<H,P>* p) { return p->hdr; }
    static H& access_hdr(smart_packet_t<H,P>& p) { return p.hdr; }

    H* operator ->() { return &hdr; }

    std::string dump() const;

    H hdr;
    P pld;


    static CorsaAllocator m_allocator;
    int refcount;

We use our own memory allocator, CorsaAllocator, which is more efficient than the default memory allocator, since for each packet type we only need to deal with memory blocks of the same size.

template <class H, class P> CorsaAllocator smart_packet_t<H,P>::m_allocator (sizeof(smart_packet_t<H,P>));

This function creates a new packet obtained from the allocator. It then sets p->pld to null if p->pld is a pointer, and the reference count to 1.

template <class H, class P>
smart_packet_t<H,P>* smart_packet_t<H,P>::alloc()
    smart_packet_t<H,P>* p=static_cast<smart_packet_t<H,P>*>(m_allocator.alloc());
    return p;

This function creates a new copy from an existing packet.

template <class H, class P>
smart_packet_t<H,P>* smart_packet_t<H,P>::copy()
    smart_packet_t<H,P>* p=static_cast<smart_packet_t<H,P>*>(m_allocator.alloc());
    return p;

This function first creates a new packet obtained from the allocator. It then sets p->pld to null if p->pld is a pointer, and the reference count to 1.

template <class H, class P>
void smart_packet_t<H,P>::free()

This function destroys the packet without looking at its reference count.

template <class H, class P>
void smart_packet_t<H,P>::destroy()

This function increases the reference count. It must also increase the reference count of the payload packet.

template <class H, class P>
void smart_packet_t<H,P>::inc_ref()

This function is called before forwarding the encapsulated payload packet to a higher layer. The reference count in pld is increased if pld is a packet pointer, otherwise nothing happens.

template <class H, class P>
void smart_packet_t<H,P>::inc_pld_ref() const

This function is called to show the content of the packet. It calls the dump() function of the header, then, depending on the return value, it may or may not call the dump() function of the payload packet.

template <class H, class P>
std::string smart_packet_t<H,P>::dump() const
    std::string str="[";
    std::string h;
    if( hdr.dump(h) )
	    std::string m;
	    str = str + h + ", " + m + "]";
	    str = str + h + ", NULL]";
    return str;

This is the partial specialization of packet_trait for smart packets. Notice that there is no specialization for general packet pointers. The design decision here is, the specialization for pointers other than that of smart packets should be left to users. When a user wants to pass a pointer of a certain packet, he must implements required member functions, such as alloc(), free(), as well as a partial or complete specialization of packet_trait for that pointer

template <class H, class P>
class packet_trait< smart_packet_t<H,P>* >
    typedef smart_packet_t<H,P> nonpointer_t;
    static void free(nonpointer_t* const &p) { if(p!=NULL) p->free(); };
    static void inc_ref(nonpointer_t* const &p) { if(p!=NULL) p->inc_ref(); };
    static void init(nonpointer_t* &p) { p=NULL; }
    static void dump(std::string& str,nonpointer_t* const &p)
	{ if(p!=NULL) str= p->dump(); else str="NULL"; }
    static void check_ref(nonpointer_t* const &p, int ref)
		printf("Payload refcount is smaller than the current refcount\n");



This class defines the coordination of a position in a two dimensional space.

class coordinate_t
    coordinate_t () : x(0.0), y(0.0) { }
    coordinate_t ( double _x, double _y ) : x(_x), y(_y) { }
    double x,y;

In COST, timers can only pass one argument due to the limitation of C++ template (we cannot declare two template classes with the same name but with different numbers of template parameters). Therefore, in case we need two arguments, we have to use pair in STL.

#include <utility>
using std::make_pair;
using std::pair;


This class is similar to pair in STL, except that it takes three template parameters.

template <class T1, class T2, class T3>
class triple
    typedef T1 first_type;
    typedef T2 second_type;
    typedef T3 third_type;

    T1 first;
    T2 second;
    T3 third;

    triple() : first(T1()), second(T2()), third(T3()) {}
    triple(const T1& a, const T2& b, const T3& c) : first(a), second(b), third(c) {}

    template <class U1, class U2, class U3>
	triple(const triple<U1, U2, U3>& t) : first(t.first), second(t.second), third(t.third) {}

template <class T1, class T2, class T3>
inline bool operator == (const triple<T1, T2, T3>& x, const triple<T1, T2, T3>& y)
    return x.first == y.first && x.second == y.second && x.third == y.third;

template <class T1, class T2, class T3>
inline triple<T1, T2, T3> make_triple(const T1& x, const T2& y, const T3& z)
  return triple<T1, T2, T3>(x, y, z);


We may also need a template class to combine four variables, but unfortunately the name 'quadruple' sometimes is already defined as long double. So we just comment this class out.

/*template <class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
class quadruple
    typedef T1 first_type;
    typedef T2 second_type;
    typedef T3 third_type;
    typedef T4 fourth_type;

    T1 first;
    T2 second;
    T3 third;
    T4 fourth;

    quadruple() : first(T1()), second(T2()), third(T3()), fourth(T4()) {}
    quadruple(const T1& a, const T2& b, const T3& c, const T4& d) 
	: first(a), second(b), third(c), fourth(d) {}

    template <class U1, class U2, class U3, class U4>
	quadruple(const quadruple<U1, U2, U3, U4>& t)
	: first(t.first), second(t.second), third(t.third), fourth(t.fourth) {}

template <class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
inline bool operator == (const quadruple<T1, T2, T3, T4>& x,
			 const quadruple<T1, T2, T3, T4>& y)
    return x.first == y.first && x.second == y.second && 
	x.third == y.third && x.fourth == y.fourth; 

template <class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
inline quadruple<T1, T2, T3, T4> make_quadruple(const T1& a, const T2& b, const T3& c, const T4& d)
  return quadruple<T1, T2, T3, T4>(a, b, c, d);

#endif /* SENSE_H */